Tuesday 8 October 2019

Broken Vehicle Ignition Cylinder Symptoms

There is a small, but very important part of your car that helps it start, stop, and drive smoothly. This piece is known as an ignition cylinder and is a vehicle part you probably think little of. That is, until you suddenly find yourself with a broken ignition cylinder and experiencing the unsettling symptoms that arise from it. There are three primary indicators to look for that point to a faulty ignition cylinder. Know that the symptoms of a faulty ignition cylinder can mimic other problems that may arise with vehicles, such as a dead battery. However, it is important to consider if your ignition cylinder may be the source of your trouble. Although ignition cylinders may be small, they can halt the operation of your vehicle altogether if they are broken or worn out. 
ignition problem
What is an Ignition Cylinder Exactly? 
On the righthand side of the steering wheel in your vehicle, you will notice the silver disc with a key slot where you insert your key to start your vehicle. This is the top part of your car’s ignition cylinder. The rest of the cylinder sits several inches down into the paneling of your car. When you insert youkey into the slot, you are activating your vehicle’s ignition cylinder. The cylinder then knows to hold the car key firmly in place while you are driving so it does not slip out.  
Symptom 1 – Your Vehicle Will Not Start 
One of the most common symptoms of a faulty ignition cylinder is a vehicle that will not start. While this can be the most jarring or concerning symptom to arise from a faulty ignition cylinder, it is quite common. If your ignition cylinder is broken or damaged in any way, it will not be able to either hold your car key in place or recognize that it is in the slot. This will then result in the car not starting.  
Symptom 2 – Your Vehicle Starts, but Stalls 
The second symptom may involve actually getting the car to start, but then at some point, it stalls out and stops. This can happen while you are initially trying to get going somewhere in your vehicle, or unfortunately, while you are already on the road and driving. This is why it is important to recognize and address any ignition cylinder issues as quickly as they arise. If a small symptom of a faulty cylinder goes unnoticed, it may result in a frightening ordeal of driving and then suddenly having the car stall. Even at the slightest indication of a stall, you should consider that your ignition cylinder may be to blame and have the issues addressed by a professional as soon as possible. 
Symptom 3 – There is No Electrical Response 
The final common symptom you may experience if you have a faulty ignition cylinder is a car that will offer no response whatsoever when you insert and turn the key. Typically, you will see the electrical paneling in your vehicle light up with just one twist of the key. If you attempt this and receive no response, it is likely that your ignition cylinder may be to blame. 
If you are experiencing one or more of the symptoms described above, know that there is a sure way to get the help you need fast. To get your vehicle symptoms addressed and the proper repairs made to your ignition cylinder, call a locksmith right away. Locksmiths work with the locks, keys, and their associated components to make repairs, replacements, and upgrades of all kinds. Ignition cylinder repairs and replacements can be performed by a certified locksmith with skill and ease. Thanks to the training that all certified locksmiths are required to undergo, you can trust them with your ignition cylinder repairs.  
You should refrain from trying to replace your ignition cylinder yourself. This is a bad idea and could result in expensive damages to your vehicle by your own hand. It is advised that you work with a professional lock and key expert, no matter what the situation is. Ignition cylinders are embedded deep into the paneling of one’s vehicle and are difficult to reach due to their placement. Locksmiths have the tools and skills necessary to reach your ignition cylinder, replace it with a new one, and get you back on the road as quickly as possible.  
It is important to know that you should contact a locksmith that offers mobile services if you do, in fact, need a locksmith to help you replace your ignition cylinder. Mobile locksmiths are trained and certified lock and key specialists that can perform locksmithing repairs and replacements on-site or even roadside, as might be the case for a broken ignition cylinder. Since you may be stranded just about anywhere in the event of a failing ignition cylinder, you will want to have a professional come to your location, rather than the other way around. This is possible when you contact a mobile locksmith. Rather than frantically calling around for a tow truck and then to a dealership to squeeze you in for a replacement, you can simply have a professional lock and key repair specialist come right to your location. 
Need a Mobile Locksmithing Expert in Your Area? 
Locksmith & Key Oak Park is your go-to locksmith in the Oak Park, Illinois area. Our mobile locksmithing services allow us to travel anywhere in and around Oak Park to help customers with vehicle locksmithing issues of all kinds. We can replace the locks on your vehicle, rekey your vehicle locks, help get you back into a locked vehicle, and of course, repair or replace broken ignition cylinders. Our expert locksmiths in Oak Park also help with residential and business locksmithing requests, so do not hesitate to give us a call. No matter what security needs or concerns you have, if you call Locksmith & Key Oak Park, we promise to connect you with a professional and trusted lock and key expert ASAP! 

Monday 1 July 2019

Protect Yourself Against Home Burglary

Leaving your home unprotected is risky

A burglary can happen anywhere, whether you live in a house, a condominium or an apartment, in the city, suburbs or a rural area. In fact, burglaries of residential properties accounted for 69.5 percent of all burglary offenses in 2016. Don’t let your home become another statistic.
Even if you’re not there when it happens, a break-in can permanently shatter your feeling of security at home. Fortunately, taking a few simple precautions could dramatically reduce the risks of an invader gaining access to your home and keep your home or apartment in tip top shape.

Common sense care

Believe it or not, it’s often the simplest and most obvious precautions that homeowners tend to forget-and which burglars tend to exploit. Maybe you’ve lived on the same street for decades and doubt it could ever happen to you. Maybe you’re in a rush and skip the usual routine.
Whatever the situation, you should always lock your doors and windows when you go out. Keep close track of any spare keys that exist. Do you know where they are? Do you trust who has them?

Here are a few more common sense tips to minimize the chances of a break-in:

  • Do not have money or jewelry lying out in view from a window. Consider purchasing two fire-resistant safes: One for your valuables and one for important documents and data. To protect your safes from theft, bolt them to the floor.
  • Don’t tell strangers your daily routines, and avoid telling others about the valuables in your home. If you’re at home working outside, leave all other doors that are out of sight locked.
  • Don’t leave tools or ladders in your yard. Burglars may use them to gain access into your home.
  • Be wary about posting your vacation plans and updates on social media websites-even though you trust your friends, you never know who might learn that you’re not home.
  • If you have children, discuss home security with them, such as not talking with strangers about their home, its contents or family schedules.
  • Keep a detailed inventory of your valuables, including the date of purchase, price paid and serial numbers.
Home security is one of the most important things that we should consider as homeowners. Why wait to become a victim if you can enhance your home security right now? Locksmith & Key Oak Park is now here to help you anytime. 

Wednesday 19 December 2018


A burglar is out for one thing: to find a home that is easy to enter. If your home appears too difficult or the risk of being caught is too great, they will move on to the next house. It does not take a lot to make your home appear intimidating to burglars – in fact, it is very simple. Unfortunately, too many homeowners ignore these super simple security tips that could significantly reduce the likelihood their home is robbed in the future.
Everybody loves a top 10 list, so here’s our checklist for living safely!
10 Simple Home Security Tips That You Can Use Today
  1. Locking Doors and Windows – Before you leave your home or go to bed, lock the doors and windows of your home. If you have a home automation system, use your computer or smartphone to remotely lock your doors if you forget to do so before leaving.
  2. Use a Home Security System – A home security system is your best defense against burglaries. There are numerous systems available that can be customized to your home and budget. Your local home security company can help you choose one. Simply installing it is not enough – you must also activate it!
  3. Check the Locks – Locks need maintenance just like every other area of your home. Be sure to install deadbolt locks on outside doors, use the right locks on sliding doors and secure dog/cat entrances when you are away.
  4. Occupied, Even When Vacant – Regardless if you are home, your house should appear occupied. That means turning lights on at night and having them turn off with a timer (if you will not be home in time to turn them off).
  5. Reduce Shrubbery – One thing burglars look for is how easily they can hide around the perimeter of your property. Cut back shrubs and trees, especially those near upper levels and windows, so that burglars have nowhere to hide.
  6. Secure Your Garage – Your garage has an entrance into your home, and it’s a common target for burglars. Secure your garage just like you do your home. Park your car in the garage too, if you can, as this will make it harder for burglars to tell when you are home and when you are out.
  7. Lights – Use exterior lights and schedule them to turn on when the sun sets. Use motion sensing lights for dark areas on the lawn too.
  8. Mail – If you go out of town, stop your mail delivery or have a neighbor pick it up for you. Mail that builds up in the box tells burglars right away that no one is home.
  9. Outdoor Wires – Make sure the telephone lines and electrical wires are not easily accessible by burglars. Burglars will usually attempt to disarm security systems by cutting these.
  10. Change the Locks – If you lose your house keys, move into a new home or have someone move out of your home, change the locks on the doors.

Are looking for a professional help for your home security? Locksmith & Key Oak Park is a great choice! They already served hundreds of satisfied customers! Be one of them now!

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Locksmith & Key Oak Park: What to Do to Prevent Lockouts

Being locked out is not one of the coolest things that you will ever experience. On the contrary, it may be one of the worst experiences that you will ever have to face. It usually tends to happen in the most inconvenient times and sometimes it occurs at some very odd hours.  

Locksmith & Key Oak Park in Oak Park is one of those locksmith companies that you can count on if you ever experience a lockout. We can be there within minutes to assist you once you are in any of the areas that we service. Unfortunately, if you are outside of these areas, you will have to find a locksmith in your area that you can trust. Hopefully, this will not be a very difficult task for you.  
So, You’re Locked Out? 
There are many reasons why you may find yourself on the opposite side of the door rather than safe and sound inside your car, home or business. Perhaps you have lost your keys, broken them or you just cannot find them anywhere.  

You may think that the easiest problem to fix here is the misplaced keys. However, finding misplaced keys can be a challenge that some persons never win. Sometimes, it is only after ceasing all efforts to find your keys that they finally reveal themselves. It’s almost as if they really did not want to be found.  

Lost keys and broken keys are similar problems. How come? Well, in both cases, you may end up seeking professional assistance. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may have a spare key. If you don’t, your problems may have just been magnified a little bit more.  

What Should You Do If You’re Locked Out?  

Realizing that you cannot open a locked door can be a very frightening experience. As a result, many people who get locked out tend to panic first. Instead of calling a loved one or calling someone to get some advice, some people break down in tears, others start freaking out and then there are those people that just freeze in disbelief.  

There is really no need for you to start panicking. There are many ways to get through a lock out. In fact, on many occasions after you think that you are locked out, you may realize that there is an alternate route to get you safely inside. 

So, here are some things that you should do if you think that you are locked out. It doesn’t matter if it is your home, car, business or elsewhere.  
  • Check other points of entry 
This may seem a bit redundant. Of course, people would check other entry points before they determine that they are locked out. Well, that’s what we all would think. When you are in the situation, your thought process can be a bit impeded. Not everyone will think of checking for other entry points. Once they try to open the main door that they are accustomed to, many people will start panicking if it cannot be opened. If there are no other open doors, check for windows. You may gain entry from an open window that is nearby.  
  • Try to remember if you have any spare keys 
Spare keys can be a big help during a lockout. But, that’s only if you can remember that you have them somewhere. Although it may be difficult to stop for a moment and gather your thoughts, try very hard to do so. You may just remember about a spare key that can save you some locksmith costs.  
If there is no way for you to get inside, call your locksmith right away. 
Now That You Know What to Do, What About the Things That You Should NOT Do? 
As hard as it may be, and as tempting as it may seem, there are few things that you should totally avoid if you are locked out. Unfortunately, there are many people who practice these things. Some are luckier than others so some people may be able to escape the negative effects of their actions. However, do not attempt these things.  
  • Do not break windows or doors 
Ok. So, it’s your house, your car or your business and you can do as you please. That’s completely correct. However, breaking windows or doors can end up being much more expensive than simply calling a locksmith for help. Yes, you want to get inside quickly and yes you panicked and did the first thing that came to mind. But, this should never be your first or last resort. There must be some affordable locksmiths in your area that can respond to a lockout quickly.  

  • Do not damage your locks 
Yes, we get it. It’s not a big deal to replace your locks. But, have you ever considered the cost of a new lock in comparison to the cost of a locksmith? Often, locksmith prices are more inexpensive. Plus, if you aren’t able to replace that lock immediately, you will leave your property vulnerable to criminal elements.  
So, Can You Really Prevent a Lockout? 
There’s one way that you can avoid calling the locksmith, breaking down windows and doors, having a panic attack and much more. You can try not to get locked out! Easier said than done, right?  
No matter how careful we are, everyone is prone to being locked out at some point or another. Some people may go throughout their entire adult life without being locked out. Kudos to them! But, for the rest of us, we may face a lockout several times in our lives. So what steps can we take to prevent these unfortunate situations? Here are a few. 
  • Keep spare keys nearby 
It doesn’t matter if you hide it or give it to someone for safe keeping. Just make sure that you can access it whenever necessary. 
  • Be very careful with your keys 
There are key finders and keychains that help to prevent loss of keys, misplaced keys and much more. Find something that works for you. 
But, if you ever find that you are locked out, call Locksmith & Key Oak Park in Oak Park!

Thursday 8 March 2018

10 Cold Weather Security Tips

When the temperatures start taking a southward turn, there are certain things that are worth appreciating—the pretty snow, a cozy fire, all those decadent cold-weather flavors we love (even breakfast cereal is pumpkin flavored these days). It’s a great time to slow down a touch and revel in the comforting sounds, smells, and sights that get ushered in with the cold weather. Though it’s easy to stay huddled inside surrounded by warmth, those cozy feelings are only as good as your winter safety preparedness. Give your home a little extra attention with our winter safety tips so that you don’t fall prey to a false sense of security.

Cold weather safety tips

Keep roads and driveways shoveled.
Snow and ice are obvious road hazards, but they can also obstruct the pathways and view to your home. To help keep your family safe this winter, make sure you keep walkways, driveways, and the view to your home clear of the pretty white fluffy stuff.

Avoid unknown visitors and solicitors.
It’s never a good idea to open your door if you don’t know the identity of your visitor or his purpose for being at your home. This is even more important in the winter when days are shorter and the streets are less likely to be populated by your neighbors. Items like the Ring doorbell can help you keep an eye on who is at your front door without having to open the door.

Use lighting to mimic normal activity.
Lighting is always a helpful deterrent when it comes to cold weather safety. But according to NPR, lighting is more effective if it mimics real activity. Try motion detectors and timers to help you achieve an effective schedule for keeping your pathways lit.

Avoid social media travel plans.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Don’t post your travel plans on social media. If you post your plans before you leave, you are advertising that your home will be empty—almost like an open invitation for a home invader.

Don’t leave your car running to warm it up before leaving.
This simple cold-weather safety tip could save you the serious hassle of having to track down a stolen car. Try parking your car in a garage so that it doesn’t require warming up. If that isn’t possible, throw on a heavy coat and brave the cold temperatures. If you insist on a warm up, at the very least, leave it in a well-lit area with a clear line of sight.

Have a backup power supply.
Outages can be particularly troublesome from a winter safety perspective because of the severe temperatures. Keeping a generator or backup power supply on hand will help you get through those outages and could keep your alarm system up and running.

Keep holidays purchases out of plain sight:
With winter comes the holidays, which typically means lots of high-dollar purchases in the home. To truly practice winter safety, store your purchases out of sight both before and after the presents are opened.

Many of us would love to travel during winter season. Yet, before you plan it out, consider the safety of your home first before leaving. By investing and asking for the residential locksmith services at Locksmith & Key Oak Park, you can be at ease while you are in vacation!

Thursday 9 November 2017

What to Do When Your Safe is Jammed

Are you having trouble opening your safe? Does it seem impossible to get inside your safe? Don’t panic! We understand that it can be very frustrating but when you panic, it only makes the situation appear worse than it is. When a safe is jammed, it usually happens when it is locked. At Locksmith & Key Oak Park in Oak Park, Illinois, we help customers with their safe need regularly, whether it is installing or helping you get inside. Our locksmiths handle it all. However, we also understand that there is some things that people would prefer to handle on their own and this happens to be one of them. We have outlined some steps to take to get your safe open. 
Time delay issues: If your safe has a time delay feature, this could be the problem right there. This means that after attempting to open it, you may have to wait up to 20 minutes before entering the code again. This might do the trick.  
Dead batteries: Yes, it could be something as simple as having dead batteries that need to be changed. Although you might have enough power going to the lock, there may not be enough going to the bolt. This means that your lock will still look normal, it will light up and beep. However, the issue may not be anything more than replacing the batteries. If you’re experiencing this problem more times than you can imagine, it might be due to your buying off-brand batteries. Off-brand batteries tend to lose power faster. 
Code deactivated: Your code might need to be rest if the safe is jammed. A locksmith is usually able to handle this for you. In some cases, the locksmith might even show you how to reset the code on your own. 
Damaged wiring: The wiring of your safe may need repairs if it is damaged. The wiring might need to be inspected. 
Steps to take if wiring is damaged  
  • If the wiring isn’t loose or cut, then go ahead and disconnect the wiring temporarily and remover the batteries. After about 20 seconds you can try again by reconnecting the wires and putting the batteries back inside. 
  • If you find that the wiring is damaged, you should contact one of our locksmiths. 
Lockout mode: When your safe uses a combination and you have incorrectly entered the code too many times in a row, the safe will automatically go into lockout mode. Some safes use a beep to indicate the keypad is locked. Waiting up to 20 minutes or more might allow you to reenter the code and try again later. However, prior to attempting to do this, make sure you have the right code so that you won’t have to go through the same thing again. 
Right Combination/ No Entry: If you have a combination lock with a three-wheel combination lock, you can do the following to gain access again: 
  • Turn your dial toward the left four times until the first digit on your combination is aligned with the index opening. The fourth time around, make sure you stop on the right number. 
  • Next, turn the dial to the right three times. Do this until the second digit aligns with the index opening. On the third time, make sure you land right on the number intended. 
  • Now, you will need to turn the dial to the right and stop at 95 degrees. If it doesn’t stop, you will need to repeat it because it means you were off when you stopped on a number. Keep in mind the importance of stopping directly on the intended number to get the lock to open. 
  • To lock it again, simply follow the aforementioned procedure but NOT stopping on any of the numbers that are a part of your combination. 
Are you still having a problem opening your safe? This might be time for you to find a qualified locksmith to assist you in opening your safe. We would strongly discourage you from drilling into the safe if you want to use it again. Drilling into the safe would mean that you would have to buy another safe. This isn’t necessary if you contact one of our locksmiths who are familiar with the way various safes operate. They are usually able to get you back inside your safe without a problem. 
If you can’t remember the combination you will need a trustworthy locksmith to help you get inside. Only rely on a locksmith that has a good reputation for being honest. You can find this information out by going on the Internet to read their business reviews. If they don’t have them, keep looking until you find one that has reviews. You’ll also need to check their credentials even when they arrive to handle the job. Making sure they are the ones that were sent by the service provider you hired is very important if you don’t want your safe to be opened by the wrong person.  

Some people assume that when a locksmith opens their safe they will not be able to use it again. We assure you that the opposite is true. Since locksmiths work with safes regularly, they know what is required to open them without incident. You should be concerned if someone without the proper credentials opens the safe for you. Only rely on a fully licensed, certified locksmith to open your safe. You should also make sure they have received a background check. Don’t be afraid to ask the locksmith service you contact. Every locksmith at Locksmith & Key Oak Park has been background checked and are the most trustworthy locksmiths in the Oak Park area.  

Chances are that when you rely on a locksmith, they will already be familiar with the issue and can effectively and quickly address your service needs. Don’t waste your time and effort trying to figure it out on your own when a locksmith is just a phone call away.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Lock and Key Types

Grab any primary school book that shows pictures of locks and keys and… surprise; they all look very similar! The classic image of a lock or a key shows the traditional key hole or slot and a key with a handle and jagged edged blade for inserting. Over the centuries, this has not changed much as this type of hardware is still being used today, but there are locking mechanisms that are now being used that our forefathers would simply not recognize or know how to use. 
lock change 
Here at Locksmith & Key Oak Park, our technicians install, repair, replace and service locks, keys and related hardware for a vast range of needs and purposes. Take this simple test; look around your home, workplace or school and notice how many locks and related hardware are around you. This is true not only here in Oak Park, IL but everywhere in the world! Locks guard our homes, offices, cars, file cabinets, stores, mailboxes, banks, restaurants and even our personal diaries. There’s a reason for this; using locks and keys works! 
Locks and people go way back! 
Yes, it’s true; locks and keys have been in use for thousands of years; dating back to the ancient Sumerians, Chinese and Egyptians. Locks have guarded churches, tombs, palaces, armories, grain storage, temples, tombs and even harems. Over time, man has learned to put trust into good lock hardware and you should too.  
Use the correct lock for your needs! 
All locks protect something but not all locks are right for all needs. Some locks offer minimal protection and others are literally pick-proof. Locks can be lightweight, portable and inexpensive like a padlock on a high school locker or they can be built-in and have intricate mechanisms like biometric locks that detect subtle variations in fingerprints. On this page, we’ll discuss some of the more common locks and their usage. To find out more about any of these lock and key types, we urge you to call our shop or your local locksmith service of choice and get a free consultation and price quotes.  
Deadbolt locks 
Deadbolt locks can be used in both residential and commercial applications. Your deadbolt lock is installed in the door and is not portable like the padlocks mentioned above. Many refer to deadbolts as dead locks. They are operated by turning the lock cylinder with a key. A well installed deadbolt that is of good quality can be a huge deterrent for anyone attempting to gain illegal entry into or onto your property. They are usually installed in addition to the previous main lock and are used as a strong second line of defense in case the main lock is picked or somehow disabled. 
Transponder keys 
Some of the most widely used keys in circulation have an air of mystery about them, too. These are the automotive transponder keys that allow us to start our ignition systems. The word transponder means to transmit. That’s exactly what these keys do; they transmit a signal from the computer chip embedded in the head of the key, to your car’s on-board computer system. When that signal is recognized, the engine is allowed to start and off you go! Transponder keys are very difficult and expensive to duplicate and since their inception in the mid 1990’s, the rate of auto theft has drastically plummeted.  
Keyless entry 
One of the most dramatic forms of modern day lock and key types is keyless entry. The technology for this has been in use for decades but restricted mainly to the automotive industry. In the old days, keyless entry was for the special cars and their owners that could afford it. Now, more mainstream cars are using keyless entry and the advancements in its applications are quite astounding. You can lock and unlock your trunk and even start your engine using keyless entry and the remote that goes with it. More advanced systems will lock anyone out that enters the wrong key code too many times and sometimes, they are programmed to even call the police! Keyless entry is now used extensively in hotels, hospitals, museums, nursing homes, luxury condos and private offices. The future is very bright for this form of locks and keys! 
Cam locks 
Cam locks are everywhere, it seems! These small locks are easily recognized they their tail or “cam” that moves in a circular motion. They are commonly found in laundromats, file cabinets, desks and furniture cabinets. While they lock and use a key, they offer a minimum amount of lock security as they are easy to pick or to break into. 
High security locks 
These are high quality solid locks that are made of steel and not tin like their hollow counterparts. High security locks cannot be picked open or pried open. They are also impervious to lock bumping and even gun shots. They come in many forms and if you choose right, they can be affordable and long lasting. You can use high security locks in both residential and commercial buildings and come highly recommended by security experts and finer locksmith shops. 
Biometric locks 
This newer technology uses fingerprints and thumbprints to gain access instead of an actual key. While this sounds very much like James Bond or pure science fiction, it is reality and has actually been in use for some time. In fact, most late model iPhones use fingerprint technology to unlock the devices and use them. Biometric locks are used in home, medical and commercial uses and can even have battery back-up in the event of a power outage. 
Other locks 
There are so many other locks that the sheer number of them boggles the mind! Included in this list would be master locks, bump proof locks, garage door locks, mortise and cylinder locks, retina scanners, FOB keys, padlocks, double cylinder deadbolts and literally dozens more. To find which lock is best for your particular needs, we urge you to consult with an experienced and licensed locksmith in your local area.